When people ask me to explain how INTEROP is different from other trade shows and
conferences, I like to describe it as resembling a circus, but not a zoo. A
circus appears to be all chaos, but it is carefully managed chaos. A zoo, on the
other hand, puts the animals into cages and lets them do what they want.
Networld (referred to by one wag as "Notworld") is the trade show equivalent of a
zoo. Each little cage has its own independent little show. In some cages,
exuberant marketing types reach out to touch you with their brochures. In others,
they stand listlessly around. The visitors to Networld stroll from one cage to
another, feeding their name tags to the animals, hoping that one of them will do
something interesting.
INTEROP, on the other hand, is a show. Granted, there
are also cages, but those are a small part of what is going on. There are
tutorials, a conference, and, most importantly, a huge,
operational network.
When I arrived on Saturday, October, 5, 1991, people were just beginning to descend on
San Jose. After checking into the luxurious Holiday Inn, I wandered over to the
Fairmont Hotel. In a meeting room, about 50 volunteers, engineers from all over
Silicon Valley and from around the world, were gathering.
All were quite bleary-eyed. Most of them had been up all night stringing cable in the Diamond
Pavilion, one of the auxiliary exhibit halls being used by INTEROP. This
gathering was getting ready for the real work that lay ahead that night:
installing the network at the San Jose Convention Center.
All of the vendors (with a couple of minor exceptions like my publisher) were connected to a real
operational show network, which in turn was connected to the Internet. This was
no coaxial cable down the center of an exhibit hall. The network used over 35
miles of cable and connected 300 vendors together with what one observer
estimated would be the equivalent of the components needed to wire a 20-story
high-tech skyscraper.
The organizing principle for the network was a series of ribs. Each rib ran
through a physical area, such as an aisle in the convention center or the
Diamond Pavilion. Each rib had an Ethernet based on unshielded twisted pair and a
16-Mbps token ring. Each of the 25 ribs had a 19-inch equipment rack at the end
with the electronics to drive the subnets and routers to be connected to the
Two different backbones connected the 50 subnets, one based on
FDDI, the other on Ethernet. A T1 line connected the Diamond Pavilion to the
Convention Center. A microwave link went to two terminal clusters nearby in the
Fairmont Hotel. Yet another T1 link linked the show network to the
Research Center, which in turn provided links to the Bay Area Research Network
and out to the NSFNET backbone.
This entire network was put in by a
semifanatical team of volunteers, overseen by two INTEROP staff members
frantically trying to keep some sense of order. The challenge to this network is
that you don't get convention centers a month ahead of time to put in your
network. In fact, as we met Saturday afternoon, they were still tearing down the
booths from the previous week's
Seybold Publishing Conference.
Between midnight and 8 A.M., 35 miles of cable had to be rolled out and hung from the ceiling with
cherry pickers. Equipment racks had to be moved safely into place, and equipment
for the Net work Operations Center (NOC) had to be moved up into the control
booth overlooking the convention floor.
To make this all happen, a core team
of a half-dozen volunteers met with Interop all year to plan the network. In
July, the company got the convention center for a day and hosted a cable laying
party. All the cable was laid out and connectors added. Then, the cables were
tied together and carefully rolled onto drums and moved into
a warehouse. Before the show, there was a hotstaging in the warehouse, where the
cables were connected to equipment racks to be tested. Then, everything was
packed up onto pallets to await the teamsters.
At midnight, a group of about 50 had gathered in the lobby of the convention center. Each member of the core team
had a different colored shirt, each with the words "Do Not Disturb" stenciled
on the back.
I was assigned to the teal team, under the leadership of
Karl was one of the founders of Epilogue Technology and a long-time
participant in the INTEROP ShowNet. He's also a lawyer, which makes him a
formidable rabble rouser at IETF meetings.
With a loud bellow, we were all called
over for a briefing by
Stev Knowles.
(The ending "e" in "Steve" got left off of a
mail message once, and Stev decided he preferred it that way.) Stev is vice
president of engineering at FTP Software and is widely acknowledged as the
loudest member of the ShowNet team.
Stev's briefing was, as usual, direct and to
the point. "Do what you're told and if you have a question, ask."
Stev is an interesting character. Rumor is that he got involved in the very first ShowNet
because he couldn't read his mail. The net work wasn't working, so he marched
into the show and commandeered the ShowNet team until things started working.
By sheer force of will, he and the other core team members do this every year,
staying up for several days straight to get the net work up and running. For
this, everybody gets a t-shirt. Of course, the core team got put up by INTEROP at
the Fairmont, but even the impressive bar bills they ran up didn't quite explain
why they did this.
A few minutes after midnight, the doors opened and we all
stood on the cavernous convention floor, clustered around our leaders. Two
tractor-trailers were driven into the center of the floor and began to dump their
contents. Equipment racks, spools of cable, and various other network
paraphernalia were all hustled to their proper locations.
The barrels of cable began to be unspooled. Teams of volunteers, spaced every
few feet, would march a string of cable across the hall. A few ties holding cable
were cut and the feeds that would hang down from the ceiling were separated from
the main rib.
Then, five cherry pickers started a slow march down the convention floor. At each rib, the cherry pickers descended, then in unison (or some
ragged semblance of unison) lifted the cables to the rafters.
Hanging down at intervals were coils of cable. These feeds were left about 16 feet off the
ground, high enough to clear the semis coming in the next morning but low enough
to reach without a cherry picker.
By 5:30 A.M., most of the ribs were
successfully up, so I went back to the luxurious Holiday Inn for two hours sleep
before I started my day of meetings. The volunteers were still working when I
left and would continue to do so for the next two days straight. Getting the
cables up was the most time-critical task, but plenty of work still remained.
Cables had to be connected to equipment racks, connectors tested, the backbone
had to be tested, vendors had a million questions, the Internet link needed to
be initialized, and a million other details had to be finished before the show
opened on Wednesday.
The volunteers that put in this network are an amazing
bunch. Some of the best network managers from all over the country come just to
help out. When they are done, they have a complex internetwork up and running
and connected to the rest of the global mesh. Three days later, it is torn down.
While the ShowNet is operational, it supports some fairly heavy duty
applications. Groups of vendors get together to demonstrate the interoperability
of standards such as
Frame Relay,
and many others. In
marketing-speak, these are called Solutions Showcases. As you walk through the
exhibits on the convention floor, different booths have little signs indicating
which showcases they are part of.
The Solutions Showcases are certainly useful as a marketing tool. Lots of users come to the show to see what works and
who sells the equipment. However, the showcases are equally important to the
engineers that design and make the technology.
I spoke to one engineer who says he gets more bugs worked out in one week at
INTEROP than he can in six months in the lab. By testing his implementation with
those of other vendors, he can quickly hone in on ambiguities in the standards
and figure out what to do to make the standard an interoperable reality.
The INTEROP week passed by quickly. The first two days, I sat in on a few of the
tutorials, hearing people like
Craig Partridge
talk about gigabit networks or
Jeffrey Schiller
talk about network security and Kerberos. On Wednesday,
the show officially began and the pace picked up. The plenary address was via T1
video link from Geneva. I was particularly interested in this address since I was
going to need the same satellite link on Friday.
Things went smoothly Wednesday morning, mostly because the previous two days had been spent in frantic
preparation. The video link was donated by Sprint. Coordination of this part of
the show at INTEROP was handed to Ole Jacobsen. Ole had worked long hours with
Sprint technicians, watching the line go from Geneva to Atlanta until, the day
before, it had reached Kansas City. By Tuesday night, video was finally making
it all the way from Geneva to San Jose.
Ole was the perfect choice to handle
anything telephone related. Officially, he is editor and publisher of the
journal. Unofficially, he is a phone junkie. For example, he has a
PBX in his house. Of course, the PBX is a small one with only 6 lines and 16
extensions, but how many houses do you know with their own PBX? His wife Susan
still can't get used to dialing "9" for an out side line.
After the plenary, I dove into the exhibition and conference. Most people were in high-speed data
acquisition mode, trying to work out optimal patterns for navigation of the
floor, or flitting from one conference session to another hoping that time
division multiplexing would enhance their information intake.
The problem everybody immediately saw with the 1990 demonstration was that you had to put the toast into the toaster.
This was suboptimal from the point of view of the network engineer, who wanted to
stay in bed while breakfast was made.
This year, the FTP Software booth sported the new, enhanced Internet toaster. Using the latest Lego technology,
they built a little crane that would pick up a piece of bread and deposit it into
the toaster slot.
What made this demonstration especially funny is a bit of
an inside joke. If you read Marshall T. Rose's
The Simple Book,
you will see that
he feels strongly that people should make better use of the get-next operator for
efficiently using the network and the remote management agent.
To get his point across, Marshall always refers to the get-next operator as the "powerful
get-next operator." The INTEROP audience was truly impressed that the powerful
get-next operator was being used to make toast.
The members of the panel started to show up.
Dr. Vinton Cerf,
chairman of the
Internet Architecture Board, was there to lend his sup port to the announcement.
Richard desJardins, head of a training
group called The GOSIP Institute, was there to provide his commentary on the
different models of standards making.
We finally got through to Geneva. Although neither Tony Rutkowski nor Dr. Tarjanne was present yet, we held our
breath and got ready to start the session. Looking out into the audience, which
contained no more than 50 people who had bothered to get up for the early morning
session, I was very glad that the cameras couldn't beam back to Geneva.
We made our announcement and the one member of the press to show up furiously took
notes. The announcement went well, but I was worried that nobody would care and
that all this effort had been in vain.
Over the next two months, I was to discover how wrong I was. Leaving INTEROP and traveling around the world, I got
more news at every stop on how popular Bruno and the Sons of Bruno had become. I
thought the choice of
Giordano Bruno (1548-1600) as the namesake for my server in
Colorado had been an appropriate one.
The Greeks, in those days before the printing press, used a mnemonic method for remembering verse or other forms of
knowledge. The Dominican order had kept alive these secrets during the dark
middle ages, but had kept them tightly guarded. Bruno joined the Dominican order
in 1565 and mastered the Dominican secrets. Then, he revealed the secrets to the
rest of the world in his classic,
Shadow of Ideas (1582).
Bruno was expelled from the Dominican order, and was later denounced to the Inquisition in Venice
for acts of heresy, including telling jokes in poor taste about God. He was
burned at the stake in 1600.
Would Bruno's secrets help the world? Would the ITU Inquisition kill our server? These and other questions were on my mind as I
boarded a plane Sunday, bound for Hawaii and then onwards, three times around the
world in the next six months.
At midnight, the Convention Center would be turned over to the Interop Company. At 8 A.M.,
just eight hours later, dozens of 18-wheel tractor trailers would roll onto the
convention floor to start setting up the vendor exhibits. By that time, all the
cable needed to be off the floor: try telling a teamster on a forklift to take
the long way around because he might crush the fiber.
My personal favorite, as it had been the year before, were the SNMP demonstrations. In 1990,
John Romkey
had developed the
Internet toaster. The toaster was hooked up to the ShowNet with a PC running
TCP/IP and SNMP software. Workstations around the show floor had network
management software, complete with a toaster Management Information Base (MIB).
By setting variables on the toaster MIB from a network management station, people
could make the toaster start toasting.
Friday morning was the official unveiling of the activities of the Document
Liberation Front. I got up early and went over to the Center for the Performing
Arts, the biggest hall at the INTEROP show, seating 2,701 people. This hall is so
big that it even has enough room to hold the hundreds of students that show up
for the tutorial taught by
Doug Comer
of Purdue, a researcher well known for his
explanations of TCP/IP fundamentals through his tutorials and books.