Francis Albert Sinatra : 1915 - 1998

Sitting on a beach on Cape Cod watching the sun come up or go down, rainy, sunny or something in between, doing it with Frank Sinatra in the air has been, and will always be, the only way.

Mary Robblee

Ever since I can remember Frank Sinatra's music has been a part of my life.Whether I was up or down, elated or blue, Sinatra was the one I turned to, the constant after all others had come and gone, and for this I am truly grateful.And his music will never die as long as people fall in love. So I bid farewell to a great musician, a great man, a great American.

Thanks, Frank.
Dave Dadswell.

when i was in grammar school, i remember my father coming home from work one day asking me if i wanted to go to the movies that night. as a kid, and even now, i love movies, so i said sure! he took me to see sinatra in a movie called, "the tender trap". as a kid, growing up in the early rock and roll era, i can't say that i was too impressed at the time. but, little by little, step by step, song by song over years i have come to truly appreciate the greatest male vocalist of this century and perhaps all time. the songs he sang became him, reflected the person and, like many, his attitude, his delivery,his manner, caused all of us, in our minds, sometimes a drink would help, to imagine being sinatra singing,' i've got you under my skin", or any one of dozens of songs that, when he sang them, became his. he was the greatest. his death marks the end of an era. i wasn't there when it started, my father was, and along the line, he handed the ball to me.the truth is that as long as we can listen to frankie in some medium, he's going to be alive. god bless you and warm up that big audience, cause we'll all be there someday.

Joseph R. San George

The voice, none greater before, or since. The man had a gift. I will miss him and his "Way", I feel as if I have lost a member of my family!!!!

Gerald S. Ryan

Every Saturday night in Rochester NY, they always had an hour of Frank at newlyweds, we can remember how we'd go to bed and listen to his crooning; that was in 1978; seems like only a few years our kids know some of his most famous songs...definately a star for the generations. We'll miss him!

Janice and Ken Smith

Since I was a child Frank Sinatra was the best singer. There would not be another like him.

Rafael Compte

so sad that The Voice is silent. on behalf of my mom, who raised my brother and me to love frankie, too. she was a fan before being a fan of frank sinatra was cool.

go with God, frankie.


Growing up, Frank Sinatra was my Grampa. Nearing adulthood, he was my father, and as an adult, he has become my best friend. We have lost something great -- something that will never be obtained again.

Melissa Zakarian
Age 24