is a district of Tokyo devoted to consumer electronics, where building
after building is stuffed with everything from 2 by 2 foot stalls specializing in
diodes or resistors to full-fledged, multifloor shops, each so full of devices
that Marconi would have thought he was hallucinating.
I knew I had reached Akihabara proper when I looked down on the sidewalk and saw a street vendor
selling oscilloscopes and microchips. In a stall behind him, 60 different kinds
of laptops were on sale, ranging from plain vanilla clones to full-fledged 80386,
60 Mbyte, 6-pound notebooks.
Thinking I must have died and gone to geek heaven, I knew that this district was going to take a while to visit. I ducked
into a noodle stand and used my two-word Japanese vocabulary to order a beer and
a bowl of miso soup. As I noisily slurped my noodles, I could hear dozens of
stereo systems, all playing different brands of disco at full volume.
Suitably fortified, I spent the next two hours trooping up and down stairs in building
after building. I had to keep reminding my self that I had many more weeks on the
road, lest I yield to the temptation to buy a home satellite dish (only $100) or
a personal computer that weighed only 980 grams and ran on AA batteries. The
computer was only available in a kanji model, but I figured I could always learn.
Even more tempting were DAT drives, high definition TVs, global positioning
system receivers, and three-inch color televisions.
Every ten minutes or so, the conga line would go out into Akihabara and walk for
a few blocks, dragging along a sound system guaranteed to attract lots of
attention. They would wend their way back towards the With Me store and disappear
inside, luring a portion of the mob in with them. Somehow, I suspected the short
skirts had more to do with the crowd's loyalty than any desire to purchase
Hitachi's latest and greatest.
Feeling somehow unsatisfied, yet still solvent, I tore myself away and headed back towards the subway. On the
way, I passed a group of young women all dressed up in natty uniforms bearing the
somewhat cryptic label "With Me" and all walking in a line. The women at the head
and tail of the column carried banners which matched their uniforms. The rest of
the "With Me" girls each jauntily carried the new two-pound Hitachi notebook,
shamelessly displaying their VDTs for all to see.