Thursday morning, I got up early so I could reach the Gare de Lyon
in time to take the 7:25
Train à Grande Vitesse
(TGV) to Geneva.
The TGV is the French high-speed train, taking only three hours to
get to Geneva, compared to six hours on a normal train and four on
a plane (by the time you get to and from airports).
I soon found myself on the Rue de Mont Blanc in Geneva with
plenty of time to spare before my long-awaited audience with Dr.
Pekka Tarjanne, Secretary-General of the ITU. The purpose of my
meeting was two-fold: to keep the standards server alive and lobby
for further changes. This was the only day of the month he would
be able to see me, hence the special visit.
Calling on people like the 5ecretary-General is a funny kind of
affair. You typically get only a few minutes, most of which is spent
in pleasantries, and I don't ever expect much to be decided. Yet, it
is a vital step to take in an international bureaucracy like the ITU.
First, I went up to the 12th floor to see Tony Rutkowski. While
he finished sending out some mail messages, I wandered around his
office looking at the stacks of paper lying all over the place. Occasionally, I would see multiple copies of some interesting report and
grab a copy.
Meanwhile, Tony had assembled his own stack of paper for me,
including copies of the slickly produced "Friends of Bruno" newsletter. The newsletter was rife with references to the Digital Resource Institute and "Project Leader Malamud." This institute thing
was certainly taking on a life of its own. Even worse, I had been
stuck with a title. The only title I usually get is "Mister" (and even
that is somewhat rarely employed).
Finally, the time came for the meeting with Dr. Tarjanne. Tony
ushered me up to the 14th floor. Now, I've been in some impressive
offices before, but this one certainly took the cake.
The secretary's office and adjacent waiting rooms could easily
have rented as a SF 15,000 (U.S. $10,000) per month apartment. The
main office had a beautiful view of Lake Geneva and the Alps. It
was lined with Persian rugs and was big enough to fit all 400 attendees at an IETF meeting.
Dr. Tarjanne came striding over from the other side of the office.
While he walked over, I did mental calculations trying to figure out
how many miles per day he must put in simply greeting visitors at
each meeting.
Dr. Tarjanne was trained as a Finnish physicist. Active in politics, he rose to become head of the liberal party in Finland. As a
member of the coalition government, he secured the appointment as
head of Telecom Finland, the Finnish l'l l and he was able, through
an adroit political sense, to parlay that into his position at the ITU.
After reviewing the progress of Bruno and the 21 Sons of Bruno
servers, we talked about the steps that would be needed to realize a
truly global network that included developing countries and had a
solid, well-managed infrastructure. Perhaps the ITU could play a
role in helping that come about?
Tony and I then paid a similar visit to the Deputy Secretary-General to brief him on our visit with the Secretary-General. Mr.
Jipguep, a former high official in Cameroon and considered the
dean of the African telecommunications community, appeared to
support the Bruno experiment.
Returning to Tony's office, we discussed who I should meet and
brief on my return visit back to the ITU the next week. I suggested
to Tony that he call across the street and extend an offer to have me
brief them on the "experiment."
He called Mike Smith, an Irishman who heads up the information systems area. Tony relayed my offer, and hung up.
About five minutes later, Mike Smith called back. Tony listened
for a minute and hung up the phone laughing.
"Larry Eicher very much wants to talk to you," he said, "I said
you'd be delighted." Eicher was Secretary-General of ISO. I
laughed and asked if I should bring my bulletproof tie.
I left Tony to take care of an important personal matter. No visit
to Switzerland is ever complete without a stop at the Mercure
chocolate shop. Picking up a nice assortment of champagne truffles,
bittersweet bars filled with 90-proof Cognac, and various other
forms of adult candy, I resisted the temptation to buy the 4.5 kilogram bar of Toblerone.
With the chocolate safely mailed back to the U.S., I took the TGV
back to Paris, arriving after midnight at my hotel in Montparnasse.
I ordered a taxi for 6, set my alarm for 5, packed my things, and
went to sleep.