Historical Context |
In June 2002, The Internet Multicasting Service and the Internet Software Consortium teamed up to submit a proposal to ICANN to become the .org TLD operator.
At the end of the bidding process, the following 632 comments of support were accounted for at our web site.
In addition to these comments, 389 supporters added a little blue dot to their web sites. Of course,
Googilla kept tracking the dot long after the final tally.
Subject: Ausgezeichnet! Posted by brian Main at 07.29.02 @ 02.22 AM |
.org is as important to preserve as our national forests, virtual real estate that belongs to the public. No one could maintain as effectively and efficiently as you guys.
We send our support from Vienna!
It makes sense to award the .ORG assignment to people who know and understand DNS...not only are they technically competent to run this GTLD, but they have demonstrated social understanding and are likely to continue to add value to the Internet as they have done in the past. I suggest the IMC and ISC make a great deal of sense, even with other fine candidates.
Subject: I support you Posted by Jan Trumbo at 07.28.02 @ 09.18 AM |
In my book, ISC has a very good track record for technical
competence. On the other hand, Verisign, over the
years, has eroded in their levels of competence and service.
As they remove one service after another which was helpful
for an ISP managing hundreds of domains, I grow more and
more disenchanted. I'm ready for a change, and I have confidence
the folks at ISC have an appreciation for the technical
needs and solutions that will work in the real world.
You have my support!!
I urge you to consider proposals such as those made by the universally respected and trusted internet software consortium and the internet multicasting service described at http://trusted.resource.org/ in earnest.
It returns to the internet domain system some much needed sanity and stability; and sets aside a neutral ground or commons.
Dirk-Willem van Gulik
Subject: we support this initiative Posted by Trish Lynch at 07.27.02 @ 05.52 AM |
As the owner of two .orgs (listmistress.org, providing mailing list services for free to a specific community) and sapphite.org (currently personal use) and being involved in several open source projects (http://ecartis.org, http://freebsd.org), I support this initiative wholeheartedly. VeriSign has abused this privilege and abused us for too long in regards to .org domains. Lets put them in the hands of responsible parties who will be giving back to the infrastructure within our community
Subject: Non-profit .org should truely be non-profit Posted by T Slattery at 07.26.02 @ 11.01 AM |
Having a true non-profit running .org as a TLD for all non-profit organizations is positive. Don't let a small non-profit sub-contract to a for-profit corporation for the service when a true non-profit can do the job. Make one of the criteria for consideration be that the non-profit will do the work itself. Another good criteria is what the non-profit will do with the funds that are generated - will it reduce the cost of a domain, or will it use the funds to develop more things for other non-profits to use or to improve things on the net!
Subject: Free for .org Posted by David Revers at 07.25.02 @ 08.50 PM |
I fully support your project.
Good Luck ;-)
Subject: pour la gestion du domaine .org par l'ISC/IMS Posted by Thomas Harding at 07.25.02 @ 12.29 PM |
La gestion du domaine .org relevant du domaine associatif,
il est regrettable qu'elle soit confiee a une entite
La situation catastrophique du domaine .fr, dont la gestion
n'a pas ete deleguee au domaine associatif, et qui est de
fait interdit aux particuliers et aux associations (canton-
nes a des domaines de 3e niveau), rend les francais par-
ticulierement sensibles a ce probleme.
Par sa position et son experience de prescripteur de normes
Internet, et sa capacite a mettre en place et maintenir des
logiciels qui forment aujourd'hui le veritable squelette de
l'Internet (il n'y a pas d'alternative _viable_ a Bind, pas
a cette echelle), et par l'independance que lui donne la
multiplicite de ses sources de financement, l'Internet
Software Consortium est particulierement apte a une gestion
intelligente et raisonnee d'un domaine de premier niveau.
Les capacites de mettre a disposition et gerer d e tres
grands volumes de documents ont ete demontrees par l'IMS,
y-compris dans le domaine de la propriete intellectuelle.
La capacite d'auto-financement du service de noms n'etant
plus a demontrer, il est logique d'en voir les fruits
recoltes et geres par les institutions idoines. L'ISC et
l'ims presentent toutes les garanties necessaires a une
gestion intelligente de cette ressource.
Thomas Harding.
Dot org is not just any other TLD, and it deserves to be well admnistered and implemented. You guys are not the usual money-hungry, unetical business that controlled the main TLDs these last years, so that alone would get you my vote.
The fact that unlike "them" you also have a technical clue, are respected by the entire network community, are able to work with only technical interests on mind, and do know your job is also a very big plus in my book.
Subject: Got my support Posted by Allan Preston at 07.24.02 @ 05.33 PM |
I hope you guys are the eventual winners, you'll do a great job.
Subject: make .org free Posted by Lukas Beeler at 07.24.02 @ 09.26 AM |
Better than network solutions :)
Subject: Free .org ! Posted by Olivier Barbut at 07.24.02 @ 07.07 AM |
I'm fully with ISC. I agree .org should be
a public ressource and not get mixed with