2001: bulk.resource.org
While government distribution of data has much improved since
we ventured into the field in 1994, many agencies still balk
at releasing their databases in bulk. We think a foundation
of public access to public information is ftp of
zip or tar files of the entire database of each agency.
Agencies don't make their data available this way because
the databases often serve as a revenue source and it
is argued that the databases are so large that people
won't know what to do with them. Needless to say, using
public information as a revenue source violates both the
Paperwork Reduction Act
Directive No. A-130.
And, an
easy solution to database size and bandwidth is to use
mirror servers, like our own
In 2001, we began some serious work on two projects that
are at the core of our current programs. IMS commissioned
a group of Romanian open source programmers to develop
the SpaceMapper scripting language, a language used to
scrape HTML pages and convert them into XML which is
part of our
Core Technologies Program.
We also
spent most of the year studying the technology, policy,
and markets in the area of Electronic Program Guides, the
area addressed by our
NetTopBox Program.
URL: http://bulk.resource.org/